What if Mario Lopez ran for President of the United States?

luisjorgerios ⚜️
1 min readAug 7, 2020


TV personality Mario Lopez arrives at the 21st annual Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles, Calif., January 25, 2015. (Mike Blake/Reuters)

I don’t know about you guys but I grew up watching Mario and took him with me to combat in Iraq watching DVDs of Saved by the bell while on my downtime along with Knight Rider with David Hasselhoff.

Could something so crazy happen?

We’ve already seen that celebrities and movie stars can become president all the way from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump.

In a recent Comedy sketch, Jimmy Fallon was playing President Trump and mentioned everyone loves Mario Lopez.

Why not we haven’t had a Latino President of the United States yet.

Everyone does love Mario even recently when he accidentally went live on Instagram everyone was cheering for Mario and asking, Who can call him? This is his private time!

What would the world look like under the Lopez administration?

Well we know Mario cares about people recently he donated 10,000 healthy meals and over 30,000 in supplies to local charities including the Salvation Army.

Back in April 2013, Conan O Brien jokes that Lopez could someday be the first Latino President.

Well maybe it won’t be this election but someday he’ll have my vote!



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